Cheetahs are an important apex predator in Sub Saharan Africa. Classified as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red list of species, cheetahs are running fast towards extinction. It is estimated that there are less than 7,200 individual cheetahs left in the wild which represents a 90% population decline over the past 100 years. Cheetahs only occupy 9% of their historic range.
International Cheetah Day 2020
The Greater Mara ecosystem is one of the most important ecosystems for cheetahs. From our 2019 intensive monitoring session, we estimated the density of cheetahs in the Mara to be 1.27 adult individuals per 100Km2 (find the report here). The biggest threats facing cheetahs are interconnected; habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict and disease, and in the Masai Mara, mass tourism is an added threat to cheetahs. All of these threats are of increasing concern in the Masai Mara Ecosystem.

MPCP’s approach is research-driven conservation through a combination of long-term population monitoring, ecological research and community-based conservation. Through our community outreach team, our researchers collect social data from community members. This facilitates delivering sustainable solutions in areas of conservation concern.
Since 2013, we have witnessed the change in perceptions from the communities towards cheetahs. There have been fewer cases reported of human-cheetah conflict. However, the threats to cheetah survival are still there. Cheetahs are still losing their habitat due to fencing and human settlement.
Our teams continue to monitor the cheetahs in the wild and engage with the communities to ensure that the Mara is a safe place for both the cheetahs and the communities that coexist with them.
You too can play a part in our cheetah conservation efforts. Your donation today will ensure that we continue our research of cheetahs and keep communities engaged on the importance of cheetah conservation. Find ways to give below