Our work has been featured in several productions and publications, including:
- BBC Two – Lion: The Rise and Fall of the Marsh Pride
- The Hunt (BBC)
- National Geographic UK – Walking with lions: exploring Kenya’s lesser-visited Maasai Mara conservancies on foot
- Tales by Light: Sacred Nature Part 1 & 2 (Netflix)
- Big Cat Diary (BBC)
- Our Planet (Netflix)
- Helden van de Wildernis (Dutch TV)
- SWARA magazine (EAWLS) – The End of the Mara’s Famous Five Musketeers
- Voice of the Mara magazine (MMWCA)
- Ndege magazine (Air Kenya)
- NOMAD magazine
- People Daily (PD) – Project out to save Lions in the Mara
- People Daily (PD) – Promoting Conservation with Interactive Digital and Physical Artworks
- Nation Media – Jesse, king of Maasai Mara dies in tragic rivalry battle
- ShareScreen Africa – Predator Monitoring and Community Conservation within the Greater Mara Ecosystem
- Regain Paradise – Partnering to solve the climate crisis
- Smithsonian Folklife – Corridors and Connectivity: Animals and Humans in Harmony
- Sunday Nation – Kenya’s silent digital dance with big cats
- The Standard – How retaliatory poisoning rapidly drives vultures, predators to extinction
- The Standard – Wildlife Poisoning in the Mara puts species at risk
If you are interested in working with us for your production or publication, please get in touch with us to discuss your proposal.