Scientific Publications
Publications by current and past team members (names in bold):
Brian Schuh‘s PhD Dissertation: An Experimental Evaluation of Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Reactions to Sound Playbacks of Domestic Animals and Correlations between Humans’ Attitudes towards Carnivores and their Accuracy of Species Identification
Lydia Cornu, Femke Broekhuis, Cyrus M.Kavwele, Niels Mogensen, Dominic Sakat, & Elodie F. Briefer (2023). Coexisting with carnivores: insights into local attitudes toward African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in the Maasai Mara, Kenya, Human Dimensions of Wildlife.
- , 2023). , , & (Rotational grazing with cattle-free zones supports the coexistence of cattle and wild herbivores in African rangelands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 00, 1–13.
- Susanne Marieke Vogel, Divya Vasudev, Joseph O. Ogutu, Purity Taek, Emilio Berti, Varun R. Goswami, Michael Kaelo, Robert Buitenwerf, Michael Munk, Wang Li, Jake Wall, Desalegn Chala, Irene Amoke, Alice Odingo, Jens-Christian Svenning (2023). Identifying sustainable coexistence potential by integrating willingness-to-coexist with habitat suitability assessments. Biological Conservation, Volume 279.
- M. Vettorazzi, N. Mogensen, B. Kaelo, & F. Broekhuis (2022). Understanding the effects of seasonal variation in prey availability on prey switching by large carnivores. Journal of Zoology.
- Femke Broekhuis, Shadrack Ngene, Arjun M. Gopalaswamy, Anastacia Mwaura, Stephanie M. Dloniak, Dedan K. Ngatia, Peter D. Tyrrell, Yumi Yamane, Nicholas B. Elliot (2022). Predicting potential distributions of large carnivores in Kenya: An occupancy study to guide conservation – Broekhuis – – Diversity and Distributions – Wiley Online Library
- 2021). Resource pulses influence the spatio-temporal dynamics of a large carnivore population. Ecography, 44(3), 358– 369. , , , , , , , & (
- Broekhuis, F., Madsen, E. K., Keiwua, K. , Macdonald, D. W. (2019). Using GPS collars to investigate the frequency and behavioural outcomes of intraspecific interactions among carnivores: A case study of male cheetahs in the Maasai Mara, Kenya. PLOS ONE.
- Broekhuis, F., Madsen, E. K. & Klaassen, B. (2019). Predators and pastoralists: How anthropogenic pressures inside wildlife areas influence carnivore space use and movement behaviour. Animal Conservation.
- 2018). Human-wildlife coexistence: Attitudes and behavioural intentions towards predators in the Maasai Mara, Kenya. Oryx, 54(3), 366– 374. , , , & (
- Madsen, E.K. & Broekhuis, F. (2018) Determining multi-species site use outside the protected areas of the Maasai Mara, Kenya, using false positive site-occupancy modeling. Oryx.
- Broekhuis, F. (2018) Natural and anthropogenic drivers of cub recruitment in a large carnivore. Ecology and Evolution, 8, 6748.
- Broekhuis, F., Thuo, D. & Hayward, M.W. (2018) Feeding ecology of cheetahs in the Maasai Mara, Kenya and the potential for intra- and interspecific competition. Journal of Zoology, 304, 65-72.
- Klaassen, B. & Broekhuis, F*. (2018) Living on the edge: multi-scale habitat selection by cheetahs in a human-wildlife landscape. Ecology and Evolution. *Joint first authorship
- Broekhuis, F., Cushman, S.A. & Elliot, N.B. (2017) Identification of human–carnivore conflict hotspots to prioritize mitigation efforts. Ecology and Evolution, 7, 10630-10639.
- Broekhuis, F. & Irungu, O. (2017) Role reversal: record of cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) kleptoparasitizing a kill from a spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta). African Journal of Ecology, 55, 115-117.
- Durant, S.M. et al (incl. Broekhuis, F.) (2017) The global decline of cheetah and what it means for conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- Elliot, N.B. & Gopalasamy, A.M. (2017) Toward accurate and precise estimates of lion density. Conservation Biology, 31, 934-943.
- Broekhuis, F. & Gopalaswamy, A.M. (2016) Counting cats: Spatially explicit population estimates of cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) using unstructured sampling data. PLoS ONE, 11, e0153875.
- Broekhuis, F. (2015) Cat eats cat: leopard consumes adult cheetah, Maasai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya. CAT News, 65, 33-34.
- Durant, S.M. et al (incl. Broekhuis, F.) (2015) Developing fencing policies for dryland ecosystems. Journal of Applied Ecology, 52, 544-551.
Book chapters
- Broekhuis, F., Bissett, C. & Chelysheva, E. (2017) Field Methods for Visual and Remote Monitoring of Cheetah. Cheetahs: Biology and Conservation (eds L. Marker, K.L. Boast & A. Schmidt-Küntzel). Elsevier.
- Van der Meer, E., Broekhuis, F., Chelysheva, E.V., Wykstra, M. & Davies-Mostert, H.T. (2017) Citizen science in cheetah research. Cheetahs: Biology and Conservation (eds L. Marker, K.L. Boast & A. Schmidt-Küntzel). Elsevier.
- Wachter, B., Broekhuis, F., Melzheimer, J., Horgan, J., Chelysheva, E.V. & Caro, T. (2017) Cheetah Behavior. Cheetahs: Biology and Conservation (eds L. Marker, K.L. Boast & A. Schmidt-Küntzel). Elsevier.
Popular media
- Mogensen, N. , Saitoti, S. , Broekhuis, F. (2022). The End of the Mara’s Famous Five Musketeers.
- Klaassen, B. , Broekhuis, F. (2019). Living on the edge: Habitat selection by cheetahs in the Maasai Mara. Swara 1, 37-39.
- Broekhuis, F. (2018). Why cheetahs in the Maasai Mara need better protection from tourists. The Conversation.
- Broekhuis, F. (2016). Cheetah: Is the fastest land mammal racing to extinction. Swara 4, 59-63.
- Broekhuis, F. (2015). Up close and personal is bad for cheetahs health. Swara 4, 22-24.
Photos 2,3 ©Fernando Faciole/Governors’